The rest of the walk was silent, and Lily longed to fill the silence with chatter, but she also wanted to keep Raphael happy. Lily was aware that Raphael was not interested in sex, but did that stop her from watching his every move, wondering the taste of his lips, his body? We need to find out where they are getting their supply from and where those supplies will be docking in New York.' His tone was irritated, as it usually was when people talked to him when he clearly wanted silence. 'These damned werewolves we're going to see have been smuggling yin fen into New York. Raphael's voice was always what Lily wanted to hear. Raphael's sighing voice reached Lily's ears and Lily grew giddy. 'Remind me what we're doing, going on a suicide mission?' Well, Lily could let her hatred slide, as long as they were attractive. She and Raphael Santiago were walking down an alleyway, on their way to a werewolf den. Lily Chen, the girl with nothing to lose, was about to lose her dignity as a vampire.